What Can We Learn From Mrs. Cassidy?
This week we were to watch several videos of first grade teacher Mrs. Cassidy. Mrs. Cassidy is already introducing 1st graders to the tool of technology in the classroom. Mrs. Cassidy already has her students blogging in the first grade, which I think is mind blowing! Especially since I have never created a blog until I was enrolled into EDM310. I do think however, that the earlier the students are introduced into these types of tools the better their future's will be.
Mrs. Cassidy also let's her students play games to enhance their critical thinking skills. I mean, what 1st graders don't like video games? I think that is a good idea to use these devices for the kids to become better involved with classroom learning. I could definitely see myself using these tools in the classroom, especially if I was going to be an elementary teacher. Even though I am going to be a secondary teacher, I could still get my kids involved with blogging, and more age appropiate critical thinking skill games.
Some concerns that may arise for children this young being introduced to technology might be their security. Mrs. Cassidy solves this by not allowing her students to put personal information out on the internet. Students simply use their first names, which allows for their identity to remain secret. Still children and adults can find their blogs and comment on them, but on with the approval of the teacher.
As we have seen many time throughout this semester students of all ages are being introduced to technology, and all the benefits that follow. As future educators we are going to have to be well versed in the field of technology. Some teachers more than others however, but all will have some involvement. The sooner we accept that and embrace it the better we will be, which will ultimately better our students and the world.