Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blog Post 3

How Can You Provide Meaningful Feedback to Your Peers?

What is Peer Editing?
A basic definition of peer editing, would be reading and commenting on fellow students work. Some good things about peer editing, is that it gives other students some insight as to how others their age are writing. It also gives students the chance to correct some minor mistakes they made, before they are turned in to the teacher.

peer editing pic

What do you think is the best way to approach peer editing?
 I believe that the best way to peer edit is to be supportive and helpful. It's sometimes hard to accept that we made mistakes, but we also overlook many of the minor mistakes we sometimes make in papers, and blogs. That's why its good for fellow peers to proofread our writings and comment both positively and helpfully.

How will you peer edit your classmates blog post in EDM 310?
Ways that I will peer edit my classmates blogs will be just as I said above, both positively and helpfully. It doesn't do me or anyone else any good to degrade and belittle someones work. We are merely a tool to help perfect their work.

What is the importance of peer editing?
The importance of peer editing is to help perfect your peers perfect their work. The purpose is to help them identify any mistakes they might have made and overlooked. It is also equally as important to specify the strong points they have created.

One of the of the most important parts of revision is peer editing. Peer editing allows you and your fellow classmates to analyze and discuss each others writings. When carried out properly, peer editing has proven to be helpful both inside and out of the classroom. This helps to find one's strong points and also their weaknesses within their papers.

It is very important to remember when peer editing to be supportive and not overly critical. Point out the goods of the writing and don't just focus on the negative aspects. This is meant to help build people up and make them better writers. With peer editing both people participating are benefited by the process.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Blog Post 2

What Will Teaching in the 21st Century be Like?

Mr. Dancealot 

In the video with Mr. Dancealot, we are given a prime example of the general "show and tell" style of education that is far too over used. Mr. Dancealot is the educator of a dance class and he doesn't even encourage the students to engage in the activities. This would have been highly beneficial for the students in the dance class, who never even learned to dance. The overall purpose of this video is to get present and future educators engaged in the classroom and not merely lecture at the students for the entire class period. This will ultimately benefit students who actually profit from class and can also gain favor for the teacher in the process.

Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts (John Strange version).

I. Approach of Past Teachers
  A. Fact Based
   1. facts
   2. dates
   3. theories
   4. research

II. Approach of Present/Future Teachers
  A.Skill Based
   1. cellphones
   2. social media
  B.Use of Technological Advancements
   1. blogs

III. Applications in the 21st Century Classroom
  A. Blogging
  B. Recording
  C. Designing
  D. Programming

IV. Things to Avoid
  A. Negligence in the Classroom
   1. plagiarism
   2. pirating

V. Students Involvement
  A. Engagement
   1. active
  B. Entertainment
   1. passive

VI. How to Begin
  A. See What's Out There
   1. try some software
   2. do some research
  B. Take a Risk

Roberts has made some very valid points in his presentation about the changing of educational practices in the 21st century. I would have to agree with him. In this day and age, much of the information that is being taught in the classroom in now made readily available at our fingertips. Therefore instead of discriminating against technology, why not use it to our advantage. This way as an educator, some of the work is already done for me. I won't have to simply burp back the information to my students. We could even add to the information with the implementation of a blog for future students and educators.

The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler

I think this is a very interesting form of locating and evaluating information about a specific subject.  A concern I have though would be how to determine the validation of some of the information that would be regularly posted. I feel confident that the majority of the information posted would be legitimate but there would always be a shred of doubt. No matter how advanced technology gets, I feel that there will always be the need for a teacher in the classroom to advise his/ or her students. I like the directions things are going and feel that they are definitely beneficial, but there will come a time where the students will need to seek the help from a teacher rather than fellow peers. I am all for them trying to figure things out on their own, and seek the help from others, but ultimately the teacher will be the deciding factor. I do however agree that these types of locating and gaining information should be used, because as time passes things will only become better and more advanced.

 Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts by Vicki Davis

The thesis of Vicki Davis' argument is that when you only give a limited set of supplies, only a certain group of students will succeed. Her argument is that every student can learn, but if you only give students paper and pencil, only some will succeed. I agree with her argument, but her argument can go both ways. If you start implementing technological advancements, only certain students will succeed. I agree however, that every student can learn, but every student won't be able to learn at the same rate as others who excel. I also agree that students should start, as early as possible, to be more familiarized with technology; so whenever they are in a class like this, whether in high school or college they can delve right in.  I respect what she is doing in her classroom. She is giving her students a chance to figure things out for themselves. She doesn't just sit back and spoon feed her students, she is giving them skills they will carry into the future.

 Who’s Ahead in the Learning Race? by Dr. Strange

From the video that Dr. Strange uploaded, I would have to say that the elementary students where winning the learning race. I was surprised at how familiarized the kids had already made themselves with their macs. I think it is a great thing that these kids are already being introduced to this type of advanced education, because it will only benefit them in their later years. Me being a member of the "undergrad" category, I find that I am behind in the learning race. I feel that if I would have had this type of rearing coming up, this class wouldn't be as difficult as it is sometimes. But the only way to learn it to take a risk, dive in, and learn from your mistakes. I commend these students and encourage them to keep up the good work, because they will definitely use those skills in the future.

Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the classroom was new to me. I have never even heard of this being implemented into the classroom until now. I think this is a positive outcome in the technology age we are in now. I like how this idea has basically taken over the homework aspect of the classroom, but it also carries over to the next day with the material covered the night before. This frees up so much time which benefits both the teacher and the students. I could definitely see this as something I could adopt and implant into my classroom. I think this would not seem so much like homework to students, but rather something they could look forward to, much like an activity for them to do at night. This will help engage more students into the conversations within the classroom. The teacher would no longer have to spend the majority of the class time reiterating information from the text, but could spend that time more usefully engaging in the material with the students.

Created by Jordan Sweat

Tuesday, January 20, 2015



Blog Post 1

What About EDM310?

--What are the things (if any) you have heard about EDM310?
I would be lying if I said I have never heard anything about the EDM310 class. I have heard several things over the past few semesters, both good and bad concerning the class. One for example would be as follows, "prepare for the hardest class of your life" which I admit was a bit discouraging to hear but I have done just that. Regardless of the toughness of this class it is a requirement for me as an education major, so I might as well just ride it out. Another example would be "that class is a pain, but if you do your work you'll come out with your head held high and actually feel like you have accomplished something".

--What fears (if any) do you have about EDM310?
I don't have any fears necessarily, but more concerns for the unknown. I have already accepted the fact that this was going to be a difficult course but that doesn't really scare me. More courses should be like EDM310 , in the fact that they challenge us to always do better. The concerns I have are probably commonly shared with my peers. The biggest of these concerns being the work load. The work load is manageable, but as it has been stressed to us, we will have to learn to manage our time wisely as a professional would.

commical meme about blogging 

--Compare and contrast EDM310 with other courses you have taken in college or high school.
EDM310 is completely different than any class I have ever had to take before. The closest thing I can think to compare it to would be the Foliotek aspect in common with the other education classes. I have never before had a class that is based on projects uploaded to a blog. It contrast majorly with many other classes that have the ordinary text that discusses facts and terms.

--What do you think will be the most difficult thing for you in EDM310?
The thing that will be the most difficult for me will probably be a split between time management and the use of different types of technology that I am unfamiliar with.

--What is the best way for you to address this “most difficult” aspect of EDM310?
The best way that I am going to be able to address the most difficult aspect of EDM310 is by diving into the technology that I am unfamiliar with, and trying to familiarize myself with it. We all have heard the phrase in class "I don't know, let's find out", so this to me proves that we aren't expected to come into the class knowing everything, but that it is expected of us to ask questions about those things we do not know.

commical meme about asking questions

--What questions do you still have about EDM310? What ideas do you have about how to
address those questions?
The other questions I have about the course concern our group based projects, but I am sure they will be answered whenever we are assigned into groups. One question for example would be, how are we placed into groups? Possibly by random or are we allowed to make the groups ourselves.

:Created by Jordan Sweat

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Practice Blog 1

Personal Information
Hobbies and Activities
Why I Chose the Education Field
What My Intentions Are as an Educator

My name is Jordan Sweat, and I am 21 years old. I was born and raised in Mobile, and plan to stay here for the remainder of my life. I went to a local private school here in Mobile known as Faith Academy, so coming to USA was an easy choice for me to make. I am the baby of my family, although it is only me and my sister. Me and my sister are 11 years apart which caused me much grief coming up. Some of my biggest hobbies are things that deal with the outdoors. My favorite of these would have to be fishing and basically just being near and in the water. Some of my other hobbies include outdoor and indoor sports. My favorite indoor sport is bowling.

bowler bowling in an alley

I chose the field of education in my senior year of high school, after my favorite teacher Mrs. Crutchfield told me I would be a great teacher. Social studies was an easy choice for me to make because history is my favorite subject. In this day and age the role of a teacher is to be proficient in modern technology that helps to improve the capability of learning. After this semester my goal is to reach candidacy, so I can continue with my degree and be that much closer to being in the classroom.